IMS West Takes All Precautions to Protect Your Shipment

At IMS West, safety always comes first. As part of our sterling commitment to each of our customers, our priority safety protocol involves taking all precautions to protect your valuable machinery and equipment. When you choose IMS West, you enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that our oversized load handlers and drivers are dedicated experts in our field. IMS West ensures that all team members have the right skills, experience, and equipment to provide 100% customer satisfaction.

Safer Shipping – Nationwide

Heavy Haul Freight Transport Specialists

IMS West is proud to be one of the nation’s most trusted long-haul industrial and commercial freight shipping specialists. Whether transporting CNC machine tools, heavy haul or oversized industrial equipment, we place your best interests first. IMS West is committed to providing exceptional service to every customer, every time.

Our Employees

Vetted for Reliability, Integrity, and a Drug-Free Lifestyle

IMS West ensures that all employees are thoroughly trained and tested before they are permitted to represent our company in the field or come near your valuable equipment. IMS West recognizes that there is no room for error when handling your property. Therefore, every employee, from laborer to management, is thoroughly vetted for reliability, integrity, and a drug-free lifestyle prior to hire, as well as on an ongoing basis throughout their term of employment with our company.

Our Safety Protocol

Protecting Our Customers’ Interests

At IMS West, we recognize that everything we do for our customers is based upon our ability to deliver effective solutions based on efficiency, as well as safety. Therefore, we have developed a professional safety and operations protocol based on industrial best practices, as well as handling unknown variables that may inevitably be faced in the field.

Safety Solutions

Designed to Meet Your Unique Needs

Our customized safety program specifically addresses the sensitive nature of the advanced electronic and computerized equipment that we specialize in handling. Our safety protocol includes addressing common challenges, as well as potential issues that may pose a hazard – and instruction on how to best address them. Through both pre-employment training and monthly safety reviews, all employees are kept informed and up-to-date on how to best protect the interests of IMS West, as well as the interests of our customers.

IMS West truck parked in front of warehouse to be loaded

Come Work for Us

Contact us today to learn more about available about job opportunities. IMS West is always looking for reliable workers and drivers.